Events at The Sustainable Living Centre

The SLC holds events and gatherings that celebrate our inter connectedness with nature and the seasons. These events connect communities and give opportunity to share knowledge.

We also provide spaces for others to hold events ranging from art classes, performances, storytelling, movies and gatherings. Contact us below if you’re interested in renting one of our spaces.

  • WaDaDa - Circle Drumming

    Hosted by Alanjahjah. Every Tuesday 12:22pm - 2:22pm

    Coming together in the Makerspace every Tuesday afternoon for kai, drumming, and sharing ourselves. Weekly event starting Tuesday Aug 27th. Beginners, Listeners, and Swayers all welcome! Bring a drum/shaker if you have one, or contact Galanjah de Boeck on Facebook to borrow one. Contributions are appreciated for the spaceholding. And there is yummy, organic soup on offer for $5 (or more if you are able). Kai starts at 12:22pm - Drumming 1:11pm - Sharing 2:22pm. 

  • Grow Together Thursdays

    Every Thursday 10am - 2pm

    Grow Together Thursdays is an invitation for you to come and join the team on the ground, with an emphasis on building relationship with each other as well as the whenua that we are looking after.

    You're welcome to join any time between 10am and 2pm, and there will be shared kai around midday. Tamariki are most welcome, and our tasks will be reflective of both what the whenua calls for and our own capabilities. 

  • Monthly Working Bee

    Every 2nd Sunday of the month

    Alongside ‘Growing Together Thursdays’ we are starting up a monthly working bee. The intention is to bring together community, get some extra help maintaining a thriving community garden space during the busier seasons, and share skills with one another.

    The structure will be the same as on Thursdays: join any time between 10am and 2pm, and there will be shared kai around midday. Tamariki are most welcome, and our tasks will be reflective of both what the whenua calls for and our own capabilities. 

Facilities Rental

We have a variety of spaces for rent at the SLC, including our commercial kitchen & pizza oven, the Earth Building, Makerspace and the Hexagonal building. Please get in touch to find out more details and rental rates.

Allotment Rental

Rent an allotment space to grown your own produce in our community gardens, surrounded by like-minded people. Or form a growers group to grow together. Please get in touch to find out more details and rental rates.

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